Monday, February 4, 2008

IP Change and another member

The IP change went well. I had three volunteers help out, my wife, Andra, Shawn Crull and Tom Peters. Tom is the newest member to our group, so please welcome him. I know several of you already know Tom.

There are still many small things that need to be wrapped up with this project, and though the VLANs are implemented in the routers, they don't exist anywhere else at this point simply because we ran out of time (after 13 hours, I called it quits on Sat.). I hope to get those deployed in the next week.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement! The next, even larger project will be to program and deploy the new phones. There are almost 100 of them! I will need as many of you as can help, and it may take several days to get them out there. The good news is we will have the new system fully in place before cutting over, so it doesn't all have to be done in a day. :)

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